Perception---you have that power.

There is purpose in design. There is information in a setting. There is truth in your environment. Fake or real, it's there.

All images are copyrighted by Heidi Hoffer unless otherwise indicated. Your courtesy in using my photographs must include crediting me as the photographer. You must tell me when and where you've used them and send the link to me showing your use of them.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christo style Design Project

The third year design class, led by faculty designer Jenni-Lee, demonstrated their understading of wrapping objects to create works of art the other day in our office. The works of the wrapping artists Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude were their inspiration, and they chose two fellow classmates to cover completely in torn newspaper.
Hubs and Jenni Lee are nearly done with covering Jade in a tailcoat and four-in-hand tie of newspapers.
Allison is hard at work covering Jo in a newspaper dress and leggings.
All 5 are creating wrapped art!
A detail of Jade's hand, artfully wrapped by Hubs.
We opened the office door, and released the art into the hallway.
Since these were the same student designers who studied lighting design with me, they thought they'd try to tango without tearing their newspaper carapaces.
A stunning portrait of the artwork posing against a red wall.
Of course the artworks had to go into the ladies'  bathroom to check their reflections in the mirror.
Jo extricates herself from the wrapping.
Jade extricates herself from her wrapping, with Jenni-Lee looking at the accumulation of post artwork on the floor.
And finally, all that remains is the litter and memories of the live wrapping journey. Thanks for the inspiration, Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
Here's a weblink to a site that explains a bit about the artists Christo and Jeann-Claude, including the fact that the were born on the same day.

1 comment:

  1. So great to see the progression of this wrapping 'event' in sequence... all the way to litter. This project also deals with how we can change visual perception by changing the surface of an object - in this case the body. Designers have such fun thinking and doing!
